This is work I did while in the Brown RISD Game Design club, it was all a collaborative effort that we all worked hard on, you can see the final product in the links. All the images posted here are my own art unless labeled otherwise.

Pinball Pal (2021)
A virtual pet themed pinball game!
The Team: Sophia Tu, Mackenzie Reid, Iris Wright, Sofie Levin, Cheyenne Chau, Kaija Harrison, Ricky Zhong, Yeseul Choi, Rose Van de Walle, Gregory Dahl, Susan He, Jake Migneaul
Final game can be played here!
I was in charge of character art and made this little guy. This final design was completed with color design by Mackenzie Reid and help from Iris Wright and Sofie Levin.

Final pet poses

Instructions. *Paper, magnet and custom font are from Mackenzie. Layout, doodles and animation was made by me.

First draft virtual pet ideas


Aligator ideas

enviorment idea 1

enviorment idea 2

enviorment idea 3

pose sketches
Sheep Toss (2020)
Dance to the beat with your sheep to power up and toss him!
The Dream Team: Kevin Ho, Kaija Harrison, Michael Cosgrove, Ethan Asis, Christine Wang, Nicole Xu, Kevin Truong, Linda Elliott, Dexter McChesney, Rose Van de Walle, Kelly Wang, Sadie Shipton, JD Calvelli
Final game can be played here!
We made two characters to dance to the beat, I am responsible for the character posing and sketches and some UI elements (based on the Sheep Toss logo designed by Sadie Shipton). Character design was a group effort but mainly the human's design was lead by Sadie and the sheep by Kelly Wang. Not pictured here the final line art for the game is by Kevin Ho.

Concept art I drew before designs were finalized

Rough fail pose ideas

Pose sketches

Label based on Sheep Toss logo

Song Clear! Based on Sheep Toss logo
UI elements