Clarkland designs, turnaround, color, and expressions for Max based on a rough drawing and description. (The first image has Dudley for scale and given references not drawn by me.) 2022

Clarkland designs, turnaround, color, and expressions for Gabby based on a rough drawing and description. (The first image has Dudley for scale and given references not drawn by me.) 2022

Clarkland expressions and turnaround for Von. This is the reworked design to fit Clarkland style. Original design by Karia. 2023

Clarkland expressions, color, and turnarounds for Basketball players. This is the reworked design to fit Clarkland style. Original design by Parker. 2023

The Platinum Faith character designs, turnarounds, color, and expressions for Moxi and Roxi based on the description given. 2023

The Platinum Faith turnarounds, color and expressions for Adrien based on designs by Petra. 2023

Original work Cattails Character designs and turnarounds. 2020+21

Wolf Girl Characters Aria and Harper. updated 2021

Bug Character Designs for a made-up kids' show about entomology. 2020.

Goofy Cat Farmer Turnaround (Prototype Mason) 2020

Nerdy boy. 2020

Mouse expression and mouth charts. 2020