Boards from a NWStudios production Clarkland 2023
First set takes place while Dudley is relaxing in his room and his floating animal friends had just appeared but while Dudley was not looking the rabbit, Von, made the bird, Wren, disappear.

In between parts 002 and 005 Dudley's friend Rainer appeared and they talked about the treasure.

008 takes place after Dudley is convinced to go, got past his mom, grabbed his bike, and was ambushed by his friends Max and Gabby who want to hang out.

This section is missing the first page that connects it to 008 but they arrived at a cave and max said "not we're not going an inch further without you-"

These boards are from the Infostructure project, this is the third part of the introduction of an apocalyptic app in a futuristic alien world.